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invitations + what not to do

We all know weddings can be a little stressful. And, more importantly -- we know that listing every detail on your invitations can be time consuming. You want your guests to show up to your amazing day, but you also want to make sure they get every piece of information needed. So, how do you make sure you get all of the information to your guests + from your guests?There is a long list of things you already know TO DO...but here are a few things we will caution you NOT to do (+ an extra tip or two to make your life easier)- Do NOT tell your guests that your Ceremony will begin 30 minutes sooner than it actually does. We understand why you may think this is a smart idea (because it will ensure everyone is on time), but, it actually creates more chaos. While you are trying to have a private First Look, your guests may end up wandering right into it! Guests typically know to arrive earlier than the ceremony time, so if you try and trick them, they may show up over an hour prior to ceremony and have to wait around for a very long time, with nowhere to go, wondering why you are starting 'late' and why they are waiting so long. You also don’t want your guests seeing all of the last minute touches and final set up taking place!- Do not forget to put how many seats you are allotting on your RSVP card. If you are providing your guests with a plus one, don’t forget to mention that you have “Reserved 2 seats in their name.” Or, if you do not want your friends to bring all five of their adorable children, make sure to also list that you have only reserved two seats in their honor.- Do not forget to put the RSVP by date on your invitation. It is very important to ask all of your guests to reply at least six weeks before your wedding date. This will give you, your venue, and your amazing vendor team plenty of time to get all of those final counts in and give you some clarity on who you will be dancing the night away with on the dance floor.- If you need to know specific meal selections for each guest, make sure it’s clear which guest is having each selection. On your RSVP card, ask guests to either write their name or initial beside their meal selection, or have a designated spot for each guest to write in their beef, fish, or veggie preference + their name.- Will you have a shuttle transporting guests? If so, we strongly recommend a Shuttle RSVP card! This will make sure you know the exact number of guests on each shuttle, how large of a shuttle you will actually need, and it will give you the opportunity to tell those specific guests the shuttle drop off + pick up times and locations.Lastly...- An information card. You want your invitations to be beautiful, simple, and reflect the style of your wedding. Therefore, don't try and cram all detail info on your invitation. Let your invitation remain clutter free, and add a detail card into the suite. The detail card can contain all of the information above, or simply direct guests to your wedding website where all information is listed for them.Invitation suites below are by the lovely By Invitation Only Ink Photography by Weddings by Scott and Dana + Katie Palin Photography